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Billing: Manage Items
Written by Michael
Updated over a month ago

What is an item? Learn how to create and edit items to use in children's plans.

What is an item?

As a nursery or child care center you don't just provide care for the children. Most likely, you also offer meals, supplies, or other add-ons to your service.

Create Item

To create an item first navigate to the Items tab, then do the following:

Click on the + New Item button and add the required fields:

  • Item Name: The name of the item you are creating. For example, if you are offering milk to the children you would name the item Milk.

  • Pricing: This is where you choose how you are going to charge for the item. Are you going to charge the child every time they consume or use the item or will it be added as a monthly charge?

Note: if you select the monthly pricing option it will mean that you will charge on a monthly basis for offering this item on a specific day of the week. For example, if it is added to the child's plan on Monday the monthly price will apply for all Mondays in the given month.

Select Pricing Groups

If you have more pricing groups and you offer the item at different prices click on customize pricing groups. Add the prices that will be applied to the different segments.

Select Taxes and Discounts

If there are taxes or discounts that need to be applied to the item you can select them from the drop-down menu.

Select Item Availability

The final step is to add when the item is available. For example, you can have an item (add-on) that is only available on Monday. If the item is set up to be only available for one day, it can't be added to any of the children's plans on any other days of the week.

Edit or Delete an Item

  • Click on the item name

  • Choose Edit or Delete

Note: Once an item has been assigned to a plan only the price can be edited.

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