How to edit your institute(s) information
To view and edit your institute's details go through these steps:
Go to Options
Click on General
Click on Information
View and Edit Details
Now you can view and edit institution details by filling in the fields
Currency: Choose your institute billing currency.
IBAN: Add your institute international bank account. number
Contact Person: the name of the institute's contact person. Only editable by company admins.
Email Address: the email of the institute's contact person.
Website: Add your institute's website.
Latitude: Add the institute latitude from the map.
Longitude: Add the institute longitude from the map.
Timezone: Choose the time zone that your institute is in.
Week Start: choose the week start day for the institute.
Check-In Diameter: the maximum diameter allowed for a child/teacher to check in from.
Date Format: choose the date format.
Time Format: choose the time format.
Curriculum: Choose which curriculum your institute follows.
Show week numbers: If you would like to show the week numbers just turn the toggle on.
Don't allow contacts to check children in and out: If you do not want the parents to check their children in/out all by themselves just turn the toggle on.
Limit attendance schedule for parents: If you do not want the parents to control/add sick/vacation leaves to their child's attendance turn the toggle off.
Enable GDPR features: when enabled, you can select how long the system keeps data for withdrawn children before removing them entirely from the system.
Set expiry date: Set the expiry date for the GDPR feature (this will erase all the sensitive data after your selected period).
Don't allow parents to manage child data: If you do not want the parent to modify their child's data just turn the toggle on.
Don't allow parents to manage contacts: If you do not want the parents to add/modify their child's contacts turn the toggle on.
Enable comments on Newsfeed by Default: If you would like to enable comments on all the posts turn the toggle on.
Enable Parent To Staff Private Conversation: When Enabled, The parents will be able to send private message to the staff members. Otherwise the parents can message the staff members only through the available channels.
When you are done, click the Save button.Enable Parents to message all staff members: When Enabled, The parents will be able to message all staff members in the institute regardless they are assigned to their children' rooms/groups or not. Otherwise the parents will be able only to message the admins and staff members who are assigned to their children' rooms/groups.
Enable parents to communicate via the predefined channels: When Enabled, the channels section will be available for the parents when creating a new message, otherwise it will be hidden