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Child Attendance Report
Written by Lily
Updated over a week ago

How to access the child attendance?

The detailed child attendance lets you see how many children were checked in, reported sick, reported on vacation, or even missed their check-out on specific days.

See the Child Attendance

  • Click on the Tools icon

  • Click on Child attendance.

  • You can choose the Weekly or Monthly.

  • And change the period by clicking on the piles.

Download Attendance Report

To download the attendance report follow these steps.

  • Click the export button.

  • Select Excel.

  • Selects the dates you want to be included in the report.

  • Select the Room(s)

  • Select the child/children

  • If you want the report to include more details such as gender, age, and nationality select the check-mark next to Detailed Excel.

  • Click the Export button.

  • The Excel file will be downloaded to your device and you can open it and view the data at any time.

Edit Attendance Record

To edit an attendance record follow these steps:

  • Click on the Room name

  • Find the child name and the day

  • Click on the purple box or +add Icon

  • A popup will appear, click on the Edit button.

  • Edit the check-in/check-out times, report sick or on vacation.

  • Click Save.

Note: You can add multiple check-in/check-out time slots by clicking the Add Check-in/out button.

Add Attendance Record to a Group of Children

  • Select +Add Actual

  • Select the children's profiles you want to edit their attendance record, then click Next.

  • Select the date range.

  • Add Check-in/out time

  • You can add more slots

  • You can add who picks up

  • You can add a comment

  • Click on Submit.

Attendance Sheet Overview

  • Click on Attendance Sheet

  • Select the Room(s)

  • Select the Date Range

  • Include health check column click the checkmark on

  • Click Export

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