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Parent Pay setup and requirements
Parent Pay setup and requirements

Learn how to set up your Stripe account in order to receive payments in your bank account.

Written by Michael
Updated this week

A- Center Stripe account setup: Canadian version

Steps documentation:

Acceptable verification documents:

Identity Documents:

  • Passport / Passeport

  • Driver’s licence / Permis de conduire - scans of front and back are required

  • Permanent Resident card / Carte de résident permanent

  • Provincial or territorial issued photo identity cards / Cartes d’identité avec photo délivrées par une province ou un territoire - scans of front and back are required

  • Certificate of Indian Status card / Certificat du statut d’Indien

  • Birth certificate / Acte de naissance

  • Marriage certificate / Acte de mariage

Address Documents:

  • Driver’s licence / Permis de conduire - scans of front and back are required

  • Provincial or territorial issued photo identity cards / Cartes d’identité avec photo délivrées par une province ou un territoire - scans of front and back are required

  • Insurance document / Documents d’assurance

  • Utility bill / Facture de services publics

  • Investment account statement / Relevés de compte de placement

  • Property tax statement / Relevé d’impôts fonciers

  • Bank statement / Relevé de compte bancaire

Company/ Entity Document:

A-Acceptable forms of legal entity verification for all legal entity types:

  • Original certificate of incorporation / Certificat de constitution original

  • Corporate profile report / Rapport sur le profil de l’entreprise

  • Certificate of active corporate status / Certificat d’attestation du statut d’entreprise active

  • Published annual report signed by an audit firm / Rapport annuel publié et signé par un cabinet d’audit - dated within 12 months

  • Letter or notice of assessment from a municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government / Lettre ou avis d’imposition provenant d’une autorité municipale, provinciale, territoriale ou fédérale - dated within 12 months

B- Additional forms of legal entity verification for partnerships:

  • A partnership agreement / Contrat de société de personnes

  • Partnership registration / Preuve d’enregistrement de la société de personnes

  • Articles of association / Statuts

  • Business license / Permis d’exploitation

C- Additional forms of legal entity verification for non-profit organizations:

  • Articles of association / Statuts

  • A signed resolution confirming the individuals opening the account on behalf of the organization have the authority to do so / Résolution signée qui atteste que les personnes qui ouvrent le compte au nom de l’organisme sont autorisées à le faire

  • Business license / Permis d’exploitation

D- Acceptable forms of legal entity verification for registered charities to verify charity registration statuses:

  • Notice of charity registration issued by the Canada Revenue Agency / Avis d’enregistrement de l’organisme de bienfaisance délivré par l’Agence du revenu du Canada

  • Charity Information Return (Form T3010) / Déclaration des organismes de bienfaisance (Formulaire T3010)

  • Registered Charity Basic Information report / Feuille de renseignements de base sur l’organisme de bienfaisance enregistré

  • Official Donation Receipts / Reçus officiels de dons

  • Any document issued by the Canada Revenue Agency that confirms charity registration status / Tout document délivré par l’Agence du revenu du Canada confirmant le statut d’organisme de bienfaisance enregistré

Relationships Documents:

A- Acceptable forms of directorship verification:

  • Original certificate of incorporation / Certificat de constitution original

  • Corporate profile report / Rapport sur le profil de l’entreprise

  • Certificate of active corporate status / Certificat d’attestation du statut d’entreprise active

  • Published annual report signed by an audit firm / Rapport annuel publié et signé par un cabinet d’audit - dated within 12 months

  • Letter or notice of assessment from a municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government / Lettre ou avis d’imposition provenant d’une autorité municipale, provinciale, territoriale ou fédérale - dated within 12 months

B- Additional forms of directorship verification for non-profit organizations:

  • Articles of association / Statuts

  • A signed resolution confirming the individuals opening the account on behalf of the organization have the authority to do so / Résolution signée qui atteste que les personnes qui ouvrent le compte au nom de l’organisme sont autorisées à le faire

  • Business license / Permis d’exploitation

  • Note:

1- In case all locations are to be linked to the same bank account: Only 1 Parent Pay account should be created and we will migrate all locations into that Parent Pay account in stripe, or else the client will pay multiple fees to stripe for having multiple accounts

2- It is only in the case where a company has franchisees and each one of them has a different bank account then multiple accounts are needed under the same company

Service Level:

  • The time needed for the stripe account to be verified is 24 hours.


  • Payments ( enabled means you can accept payments to your stripe account, disabled)

  • Payouts (enabled meaning you can accept payouts to your bank account, disabled)

Failure to present the needed documents or proof will result in delaying the enabling of the payments and payouts.


  • The card processing fees are paid by the parents

  • The PAD processing fees are paid by the Center. Enhancement to be launched: Option to move the PAD fee to be paid by the parents.

ParentPay Service Charge

A service charge is applied to each transaction processed through ParentPay:

  • $0.50 CAD if covered by the center

  • $1.00 CAD if passed on to the payer (parent)

Through our ParentPay Affiliate Program, this fee is deducted from your subscription—but only once per parent, per month. Any additional transactions from the same parent within the same month will follow the standard service charge policy.

This setup ensures flexibility in how you manage payment processing costs.

Qs & As:

Q:What is the proof of directors?

A: Its a legal document that mentions the names of the directors assigned for the company.

B- Parent Setup

Steps for PAD/Credit Card Set up

1- Go to Child profile, by clicking on the child picture

2- Look for the invoice tab

3- Enable the "Save your latest payment method"

4- Click on "Pay now" or "Pay Balance"

5- Choose card payments or PADs. (If the PAD option doesn't show up, click on "check out as guests" option, then choose the PAD option)

6- Fill in the fields ( If you get out of the page before you fill out the fields, you will see "Payment processing". It takes 1 hour for it to be available again)

7- Once the bank info is added, sometimes it may take more than 3 to 5 minutes for the verification to reach you. (if the verification is not received at all, you should check with your bank.

8- If during the process, the stripe page fails and falls back to the child profile, please restart the process.

NB: In case you are using the browser and nothing happens when you click on "Pay now", you will need to enable the pop ups from the settings of the browser, either using the laptop or from your mobile phone.

Qs & As:

Q1: What if the PAD option doesn't show up?

A1: Click on "Check out as guest", then choose the Pad option

Q2: I got out of the page before filling the field and now the status says payment processing, what should I do?

A2: You will see "Payment processing" for 1 hour, and after that time had passed you would be able to try again.

Q3: The verification code did not arrive within 3 to 5 minutes, what should I do?

A3: Wait for a bit longer.

Q4: The verification code did not arrive at all after waiting, what should I do?

A4: Contact the bank, because this is where the verification is coming from.

Q5: I was filling in the fields when the page crashed and kicked me out, what should I do?

A5: Please try again by clicking on "Pay now", or "Pay Balance".

Q6: I am using the browser, and nothing happens when we click on Pay now. Why is that?

A6: This is caused by blocked pop ups, you just need to allow the pop ups to open the page.

These are the link to videos showing you how to do this from a mobile or a laptop:

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